Jurgen rath provides

Listado jurgen rath provides

  • Behringer ultra-g gi100 active di box - caja directa activa requiere batería de 9v professional and multi-purpose direct injection box for stage and studio applications authentic 4 x 12" speaker emulation by renowned amp designer jurgen rath provides impedance and signal matching for the direct connection of instruments to mixers and amplifiers ultra-flat frequency response due to renowned behringer ot-1 transformer internal battery automatically shuts off when phantom power is applied allows direct connection to speaker outputs with up to watts switchable input attenuation allows input levels of up to +50 db ground lift switch eliminates typical ground loop problems ¼“ trs and gold-plated xlr connectors ultra-rugged, road-suitable aluminum case stackable oversized rubber corners

  • 00 behringer ultra-g gi100 active di box - caja directa activa requiere batería de 9v professional and multi-purpose direct injection box for stage and studio applications authentic 4 x 12" speaker emulation by renowned amp designer jurgen rath provides impedance and signal matching for the direct connection of instruments to mixers and amplifiers ultra-flat frequency response due to renowned behringer ot-1 transformer internal battery automatically shuts off when phantom power is applied allows direct connection to speaker outputs with up to 3,000 watts switchable input attenuation allows input levels of up to +50 db ground lift switch eliminates typical ground loop problems ¼“ trs and gold-plated xlr connectors ultra-rugged, road-suitable aluminum case stackable oversized rubber corners quiénes somos? somos tienda física desde 1981 elaboramos factura fiscal sumado el impuesto de ley horario atención de lunes a viernes de 10:00 am a 8:00 pm cómo comprar? lea las condiciones antes de ofertar pregunte lo que necesite antes de ofertar si no está seguro de su compra el precio publicado es por unidad una vez que haya ofertado, tiene un (01) día para concretar el pagoel tiempo de despacho será de 2 días aproximadamente después de que esté disponible el pago no nos hacemos responsables por roturas durante el envíorecuerde que su compra es un compromisoque debo hacer al recibir el producto? recuerde calificarnos cuando ya tenga su pedido y muchas gracias por su comprade no hacerlo, anularemos la comprano se aceptan devoluciones cuál es el método de pago? transferencia a wells fargo, boa, banesco y mercantil cuál es la forma de envío? - a través de transporte de su preferencia a domicilio o sucursal

    Mérida (Mérida)

  • ¡la mayoría de las figuras también vienen equipadas con accesorios temáticos para juegos adicionales! este paquete incluye rathrath no solo se abalanza sobre sus enemigos para eliminarlos, sino que aporta un poco más de actitud a la batalla que algunas de las otras transformaciones de ben, ¡lo que hace de rath un gato duro!original, importado ben10 rath action figure ---------------precio 40 verdes-------------------- con reflejos parecidos a los de un gato y garras retráctiles que harían que hasta un tigre serretón se ponga nervioso, rath es el felino extraterrestre de ben cuando tiene que aterrizar en ambos piesrath no solo se abalanza sobre sus enemigos para eliminarlos, sino que aporta un poco más de actitud a la batalla que algunas de las otras transformaciones de ben, ¡lo que hace de rath un gato duro! ¡figura de acción altamente detallada, singularmente esculpida y totalmente articulada con 12 puntos de articulación! las figuras varían en altura de 12 a 15 cmscon reflejos parecidos a gatos y garras retráctiles que harían que hasta un tigre sabretooth se ponga nervioso, rath es el felino extraterrestre de ben cuando tiene que aterrizar en ambos pies¡reúne todos los personajes de ben 10 aliens y otros personajes como se ve en la serie animada de cartoon network! después de detener the inervasion, ¡el niño héroe ben tennyson lleva sus aventuras extraterrestres a todo el mundo! el nuevo rival kevin 11 ha creado su propia versión de ben's omnitrix: ¡el antitrix! kevin se sigue metiendo en el camino de ben mientras ben intenta luchar contra el misterioso y armado knight, que se está reclutando para una agenda desconocida que busca cambiar el mundo¡siempre! con una altura de 12 a 15 cms de altura, cada figura del surtido es altamente detallada y articulada

  • Estamos ciegos de jurgen klaric probando los fracasos de las grandes corporaciones y como evitarlos en tus empresas este libro contiene las pruebas más crudas de los fracasos billonarios de empresarios, publicistas y mercadólogosvendele a la mente no a la gente de jurgen klaric el manual más subliminal para arrasar en las ventas y hacerse rico la neurociencia está invadiendo de manera positiva muchos sectores del mercado, trasformando con descubrimientos y tecnología clínica la forma de entender, mejorar, rentabilizar e innovar cómo operamos y realizamos nuestro trabajoen medio de sus conferencias y consultorías jurgen klaric realiza una profunda investigación de todos los terribles errores que cometen los mercadólogos, explica el porqué de tantos errores, y comparte, por primera vez, sus diez principios más importantes para abrir los ojos a la realidad subconsciente del consumidor, y para innovar de forma mucho más efectivael precio es el publicadoestamos ciegos tiene tres partes: los errores más crudos de los mercadólogos, el motivo por el que estamos tan ciegos y nos equivocamos tanto, y sus diez mejores principios para abrir los ojos e innovar sin fallar tantolibro digital en formato pdf contiene 237 paginas,,y de regalo su primer libro no estamos ciegosrealizada la compra se envía al correo, realice todas sus preguntas, estamos para servirlesel autor garantiza que después de leer este libro nadie podrá ver igual al consumidor

  • Yo lo tengo sin fallas porque obtuve el curso después que jurgen corrigió ese problemapor alli hay algunos que lo venden incompleto porque hay una falla que viene directamente de jurgenneuro ventas para marketing chat descubre cómo jurgen vendió más usd millones de dólares a través del whatsappaquellos que obtuvieron el curso así pues lo venden asíaprende a vender chateando usando neuro marketing por whatsapp e instagram con el mejor del mundo el curso se envía inmediatamente realizado el pago a su correo mediante un link de google driverecibe gratis también el curso marketing y ventas de cursos online/recibe gratis también cursos de bruno sanders crea tu agencia de marketing digitalrecibe gratis también el entrenamiento neuroventas para redes sociales/aprende sobre el marketing chat, con estrategias y softwares que te ayudarán a vender másla cuenta de google drive es privada y tendrán acceso de porvida al curso este curso esta completo

  • ¿cómo crear alianzas? módulo 3datos técnicos: - formatola importancia de la congruencia - tu ética y valores13 gb - idioma: español¿qué es el código simbólico? - ¿qué son los arquetipos? - contando tu historiaduración: horas de videotus redes socialesmp4 - resolución: x720p - tamaño: 4¿cómo monetizar? - creando el modelo de negociocuando eres una marca tú ya no vendes, la gente te compratu funnel de conversiónnivel de la aptitud: principiantetips para acelerar el crecimiento y desarrollo de tu marca personal y la expansión internacionaldesarrollando tu imagenformadores: jürgen klaric¿cómo viralizar tu contenido? - ¿cómo validarte frente a tu público? - uso de medios tradicionalescurso marca personal - jürgen klaric ¿qué aprenderás en este curso? en esta nueva economía, tener una marca potente se ha convertido en el centro de la estrategia de ventascontenido: 12 sesiones

  • Cómo liderar en el trabajo sin competir contra los hombrestips para lograr liderazgo en un ambiente masculinotres negocios que puedes hacer desde casa sin invertircómo perdonar a los hombres que te hicieron dañocómo convertirte en viral en las redes sociales y hacer negocios sin invertirel evento para mujeres más importante en latinoamérica, jürgen klaric dicta la conferencia: mujeres con poder, donde aprenderás tips especiales de ventas para mujeres emprendedoras además de muchos temas más que repotenciaran el empoderamiento a la mujertemas tratados en la conferencia: - cómo convertir tus miedos paralizantes en miedos activadoresmis mejores recomendaciones para proteger a tus hijos del sistema educativotips para volverse viral y lograr miles de amigos en las redescómo matar la mente pobre y convertirla en prósperamás detalle en la imagen ***si tienes dudas, consulta antes de ofertar***cómo olvidar un desamor del pasadocómo volver a enamorarte sin miedocómo inspirar a hijos o millenials desmotivadospor primera vez jürgen klaric las entrenará y motivará a sacar su verdadero poder que es ser mujer

  • Descarga el curso neuroventas para redes sociales – jurgen klaric aprende y multiplica tus ventas por redes sociales en solo 6 módulos el mundo digital ha trasformado la forma de vender, en este curso no sólo aprenderás cómo pautar correctamente, sino la ciencia que hemos descubierto para que las publicidades sean mucho más efectivas y basadas en discursos de neuroventascuando te vuelves viral en las redes sociales, puedes llegar a enormes cantidades de personas, sin la necesidad de invertir una fortuna, solo siendo consciente de cómo crear un contenido que cientos, miles o incluso millones de personas deseen ver y compartirestos botones pueden ser implementados en tus procesos de venta para llamar la atención o usarlos como cierres definitivos de una ventahoy la tecnología ha llegado al punto de que alguien pueda adquirir un producto, sin contactarse con nadie y, con un simple botón, puede recibirlo en la puerta de su casamodulo 05 diseño de comunicación digital las redes sociales abrieron las puertas para que millones de personas puedan publicar contenido gratuito, pero la gran mayoría no tiene idea de cómo construir un contenido que impacte y que se viralice, 2 elementos fundamentales al momento de montar una campaña, de lo contrario, esta pasará desapercibidoen el mundo digital esta regla no cambia y aprender a detectar estos significados te permitirá conectar de forma mucho más rápida con tus clientes potenciales, al momento de realizar una campañamodulo 04 el arte de la viralización con el nacimiento de las campañas a través de internet, muchas empresas se dedicaron a invertir grandes cantidades de dinero a la espera de conseguir ventas; sin embargo, con el tiempo entendieron que este es un modelo poco efectivomodulo 02 el valor simbólico en el mundo digital las cosas no valen por lo que son, sino por lo que significanmodulo 03 códigos & principios de compra online el proceso de compra es 90% inconsciente y se activa por diversos botones que pueden variar según el medio y producto que vendascon este curso comenzarás a entender cómo se vende correctamente en redes sociales y cuál es el arte de la viralización contenido del curso: curso neuroventas para redes sociales modulo 01 cómo cambiaron las ventas en el pasado si una persona deseaba algún tipo de producto debía desplazarse a un local o, en su defecto, entrar en contacto vía teléfono con algún asesor***este y muchos más cursos premium disponibles*** ***oferte con confianza, aceptamos todos los medios de pago*** ***si no ves el que buscas pregunta, estamos siempre agregando nuevos***

  • Titulo: vendele a la mente no a la gente editorial: jurgen klaric isbn: idioma: español descripción: el método y las técnicas aquí expuestos salieron de diversos estudios realizados en laboratorios científicosrealice el pago con transferenciael autor prueba en este libro que los procesos de ventas a los que estamos acostumbrados son sumamente desgastantes y poco efectivos, debido a que no sabemos como funciona la mente, aunque si le hagamos caso a la genteasimismo, fueron avalados por investigaciones antropológicas y neurocientificas¡¡ ideal para ver en la computadora tablet y celular, con excelente calidad de imagen!!! podes usarlo de manera fácil y sencilla en cualquier dispositivo ¡no son paginas escaneadas de un libro, es la obra original con la mejor calidad de imagen! al comprar elegí como envio: retiro del domicilio del vendedor o acuerdo con el vendedorpor favor tener en cuenta elegir la opcion “ retira domicilio del vendedor” enviamos el libro en digital via emailestamos a la ordenrealice todas las preguntas que deseelas ventas de este libro han sido todo un record en los primeros meses tras su lanzamiento, convirtiéndose en el modelo comercial y de venta de empresas como general motors, telefonica movistar, claro, sab-miller e ikea

  • Video curso de neuroventas por chat marketing de jurgen klarices un producto 100 % digital (para estudiar desde casa) udrealice todas las preguntas y resuelva todas sus dudas antes de comprartiene 3 días para concretar la compra de lo contrario será calificado negativorecibirá un correo electrónico con los links de descargaahora que estás en casa es un buen momento para aprender a vender a través de whatsapp y otras herramientas vía chat

  • Reef fusion 1 provides calcium, while reef fusion 2 provides alkalinityreef fusion 1™ provides calcium, while reef fusion 2™ provides alkalinityreef fusion 1™ provides not only mg/l of ionic calcium, but also includes biologically appropriate levels of magnesium, strontium, boron, iron, manganese, and molybdenumreef fusion 1 provides not only mg/l of ionic calcium, but also includes biologically appropriate levels of magnesium, strontium, boron, iron, manganese, and molybdenummantiene el calcio, magnesio, boron y estroncio para acuarios marinos acuarios marinos de arrecife reef fusion 1 and reef fusion 2 are the foundation of a system formulated to provide the essentials for the reef aquariumwhen used together, the reef fusion™ system will maintain calcium and alkalinity levelsgarantía: reef fusion 1 and reef fusion 2 are the foundation of a system formulated to provide the essentials for the reef aquariumwhen used together, the reef fusion system will maintain calcium and alkalinity levelsseachem reef fusion 2 de 500ml reef fusion 1™ and reef fusion 2™ are the foundation of a system formulated to provide the essentials for the reef aquariumreef fusion 2™ contains a mixture of carbonates and bicarbonates at an alkalinity of meq/lwhen used as directed, reef fusion 1™ and reef fusion 2™ will maintain the critical levels of calcium and alkalinity necessary for healthy coral growth, while providing biologically appropriate levels of other elements and trace mineralsit is designed to restore and maintain alkalinity in the reef aquarium and provide calcareous species with the essential carbonate needed for growthwhen used as directed, reef fusion 1 and reef fusion 2 will maintain the critical levels of calcium and alkalinity necessary for healthy coral growth, while providing biologically appropriate levels of other elements and trace minerals

  • Libros de esta coleccion: padre rico padre pobre antes de renunciar a tu empleo vendedores perros escuela de negocios cuadrante de flujo de efectivo 8 lecciones de liderazgo militar la ventaja del ganador mujer millonaria 5 estrategia para incrementar su riqueza porque los ricos se vuelven mas ricos queremos que seas rico cambia tu vida antes del desayuno consejos para lograr la independencia la conspiracion de los ricos el abc para crear un equipo de negocios exitosos el juego del dinero el negocio del siglo 21 el toque de midas elija ser rico guia para invertir hermano rico, hermana rica incrementa tu iq financiero secretos del éxito retirate joven y rico niño rico niño listo segunda oportunidad adicional vendele a la mente no a la gente – jurgen klaric pasión por emprender - andy freire el poder de lo simple - jack trout el talento nunca es suficiente – john c maxwell estamos ciegos - jurgen klaric --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- precio horario de trabajo - horario de atencion telefonica 8am a 6 pm si desea atencion telefonica debe ser paciente, ya que el volumen de ventas es muy alto y se nos es complicado atender todas las llamadasde igual forma por este medio se le puede aclarar cualquier dudametodos de pago mercantil - pago movil

  • Kiyosaki -elija ser rico - robert kiyosaki -es hora de emprender el vuelo - kim kiyosaki -escuela de negocios (segunda edición) -estamos ciegos - jurgen klaric -gente toxica - bernando stamateas -go pro - eric worrre -guia para invertir - robert kiyosaki -habitos de ricos - juan diego gomez gomez -la biblia del vendedor - alex dey -la culpa es de la vaca - jaime lopera -la culpa es de la vaca parte 2 -la magia de pensar en grandefernando piró -tu mente es un oceano - lama thubten -tu naciste rico - bob proctor -un click - jeff bezos -un feliz bolsillo de dinero - david cameron -una buena forma de decir adios - cesar lozano -una vida sin limites - nick vujicic -uno siempre cambia el amor de su vida, por oro amor o por otra -vida - amalia andrade -usar el cerebro - facundo manes -vendele a la mente, no a la gente - jurgen klaric -vendes o vendes - grant cardone -ventas para dummies - tom hopkins -vive sin trabajar - jose castello -vive tu sueño - john cpack de 80 libros pdf sobre educación financiera títulos: -12leyes de los grandes empresarios - mauricio chaves -16horas 2da edición -324 nichos y temas millonarios -antes de renunciar a tu empleo - robert tkiyosaki -aprende a ser rico - cristian & walter -como ganar dinero e influir sobre las personas - dale carnege -como suprimir las preocupaciones y disfrutar de la vida - dale carnege -como un hombre piensa así es su vida - james allen -desarrolla una mente prodigiosa - ramon campayo -despierta el genio financiero de tu hijo - robert tkiyosaki -ten peor coche que tu vecino - luis pita -tres poderes para la superacion personal drkiyosaki -doce pilares - jim rohn -economía para principiantes -el abc para crear un modelo de negocio exitoso -el arte de dirigir empresas -el arte de empezar - guy kawasaki -el arte de innovar para no morir - mario borghino -el arte de la felicidad - dalai lama -el arte de la guerra -el arte de negociar y persuadir - allan pease -el camino hacia la riqueza - brian tracy -el codigo del dinero - raimon samso -el de la ley de atraccion - alberto marquez -el exito de los perezosos -el exito no llega por casualidad - drmaxwell -vivir sin jefe - sergio fernandez -yo lider - rene leyva entrega inmediata una vez confirmado el pagoel pack completo en dos verdes al cambio en bolivareskiyosaki -padre rico padre pobre para jovenes - robert kiyosaki -pequeño cerdo capitalista - sofia macias -piense y hagase rico - napoleon hill -poder sin limites - antony robins -que harias si no tuvieras miedo - borja vilaseca -queremos que seas rico -donald trump robert tharv eker -mujer millonaria - kim kiyosaki -niño rico, niño listo - robert kiyosaki -padre rico padre pobre - robert tantes de ofertar pregunta para aclarar todas sus dudasbancos: venezuela, banesco, mercantil, provincialkiyosaki -quieres ser millonario - vikas swarup -redes sociales para organizaciones -segunda oportunidad - robert tlair ribeiro -el hombre mas rico de babilonia -el juego del dinero - robert kiyosaki -el libro negro del emprendedor - fernando trias de bes -el millonario instantáneo - mark fisher -el monje que vendio su ferrari - robin sdisponible pago movildavid schwartz -la semana laboral de 4 horas - timothy ferriss -las 21 leyes absolutamente inquebrantables del dinero -las 22 leyes onmitables del marketing - al ries y jack trout -las 48 leyes del poder -las estaciones de la vida - jim rohn -las leyes de la abundancia -lo 12 libros que todo emprendedor debe leer - luis baron -los 80 conceptos esenciales de marketing - philip kotler -los secretos de la mente millonaria - tsharma -el negocio del siglo 21 - robert kiyosaki -el plan perfecto para hacerte millonario - magnum astron -el secreto del exito - donald trump -el tao warren buffett -el toque midas - donald trump - robert t

  • Features footboard angle/height adjustment: allows the footboard to be infinitely adjusted to the precise angle/height of your choice for maximum comfort and speed traction footboard: the footboard is the same shape as our top-of-the-line h- and provides a stable surface to meet your playing style seat cup: patent-pending seat cup provides superior stability for precise control over cymbal action and bottom cymbal tilt cl-300 clutch: provides triple-lock vice-like gripping power to withstand the heaviest playing and new locking bottom nut to keep the top cymbal securely fastened spring adjustment system: the same click-stop system used on pearl's top-of-the-line h- hi-hat allows quick and positive adjustment of spring tension settings die-cast joint: an extra tall die-cast pipe joint provides extra surface area for unrelenting grip parallel double-braced struts: surestruts provide the ultimate in structural integrity to prevent lateral wobble and the inherent squeaks that may result from it ultragrip wingnuts and wingbolts: ultragrip wingnuts and wingbolts feature an ingenious ergonomic handle with notches that allows your drumsticks to be used for loosening if needed reversible rubber/spike-tipped feet: spike tips can be quickly rotated to provide extra slip-resistance when neededno acepto cambiosthe h-900 hi-hat stand features footboard angle/height adjustment, a traction footboard, a quick spring adjustment system, ultragrip wingnuts and wingbolts that allow your drumsticks to be used for loosening, a heavy-gripping cl-300 clutch, die-cast pipe joints, stop locks for memory positioning, surestruts to prevent lateral wobble and squeakspearl 900 series hi-hat stand, totalmente nuevo en su cajapearl's advanced hardware is the industry's leaderthe h-900 is a member of the award winning 900 series family, winner of the mipa award for best new hardware

  • Select any song in your music library, and amplifi remote automatically provides matching tone selections via the cloudvendo pedalera multiefectos line 6 amplifi fx100,,, amplifi fx100 provides a fast and fun path to great tone, so you can tap into your creative zone and stay thereshare and rate guitar tones via the cloud with a huge cloud community of guitarists uploading their best patches, amplifi remote provides a unique and powerful resource for finding tones* compatible with iphone 5s, iphone 5c, iphone 5, iphone 4s, iphone 4, ipad (3rd and 4th generation), ipad 2, ipad mini and ipod touch (5th generation) features amplifi fx100 multi-effects pedal over 200 amps, effects and speaker cabinets access 100 onboard presets”and unlimited presets via amplifi app* change presets and switch banks using four pro-quality, backlit footswitches bluetooth streaming audio for playing along with your music library (compatible with ios, android, mac and pc)* rugged construction with bent metal chassis 1/4" guitar input 1/4" headphone output, 1/4" stereo full-range balanced outputs and 1/4" amp output tap tempo/tuner amplifi remote app for ios* 8 simultaneous effects remotely control amp and effects parameters to dial in the perfect tone automatic tone matching instantly provides the perfect tones for jamming with songs in your music library access thousands of tones online share and rate tones in the cloud backup and store unlimited presets in the cloud compatible with iphone 5s, iphone 5c, iphone 5, iphone 4s, iphone 4, ipad (3rd and 4th generation), ipad 2, ipad mini and ipod touch (5th generation) * amplifi remote app requires a compatible ios devicewhether you're jamming, performing or listening, amplifi fx100 gives you complete versatilitywithin the cloud community, you can rate your favorite tones, upload your own-and maybe even become known as a tone masterrevolutionary tone-matching technology line 6 tone-matching technology takes the work out of dialing in the perfect toneplus, you can choose from over 200 world-class amps and effects to intuitively craft signal chainsyou'll be able to take your tone further than eversimply stream your music library to fx100 via bluetooth and play along with your favorite tracksunprecedented wireless control the groundbreaking amplifi remote ios app makes it fun to dial in great tones from your iphone, ipad or ipod touch*versatility meets innovation amplifi fx100 is the perfect centerpiece for your guitar setup, with the inputs and outputs you needforget about trying to navigate through tiny screens and complex menus-amplifi remote lets you dial up jaw-dropping tone with easeyou can store an unlimited number of presets in the cloud-and access them anywhereconnect amplifi fx100 to your amplifier or speaker system, and change the way you create, rehearse and jamuse the world's most legendary guitar tones as a starting point-then tweak them to create your own inspiring and unique soundswith amplifi remote, you'll experience unparalleled control over your toneamplifi fx100 takes jamming to a whole new leveldial up amazing tones-including the award-winning line 6 tones behind thousands of hit recordings-with unprecedented speed and precisionthe amplifi cloud automatically keeps all your devices up to date and synchronizedbluetooth audio streaming compatible with ios, android, mac and pcat the same time, you can build your musical network by connecting with other musicians and fansa new way to jam amplifi is the best way to jam along with the music you loveamplifi fx100 can even play music tracks from your ios device through your home stereo-while sending your guitar tone to your ampconnect to your amp, external speakers or plug in headphones and jam silently

  • Sine wave output provides power protection to energy star® 6powerpanel® personal edition software  provides a user-friendly dashboard interface for controlling and monitoring the upsautomatic voltage regulation (avr) provides clean, consistent ac power by automatically increasing (boosting) low voltage without using battery power when incoming utility power experiences minor fluctuationscord outlet types: 10 × nema 5-15r communication: usb, serial data line protection: telephone, ethernet, coaxial management software: powerpanel® personal edition energy star® qualified: yes product overview a mini-tower ups with line interactive topology, the cyberpower pfc sinewave cppfclcd provides battery backup, power protection (using sine wave output), and surge protection for desktop computers, workstations, networking devices, and home entertainment systems requiring active pfc power source compatibilitythree-year warranty cyberpower will repair or replace a defective ups system (including batteries) within three years of the purchase datethe cppfclcd uses automatic voltage regulation (avr) to correct minor power fluctuations without switching to battery power, which extends battery lifedata line protection prevents power surges that travel through telephone, coaxial, and ethernet lines from causing damage to electronicsconnected equipment guarantee cyberpower will repair or replace properly connected equipment if it is damaged by a power surgeconnect your computer to the hid-compliant usb port or serial port (if available) to use the power management features provided by powerpanel® personal edition softwarebrownouts) and over voltages (edisponibilidad inmediatasurge protection diverts excess voltage away from sensitive electronic equipment during an ac power surge or power spike to prevent damagespikes) without having to switch to batterysee warranty for detailsestamos ubicados cerca de la estacion de servicio la estrella (cecilio acosta) disponible para entrega inmediata y envios a todo el pais no dudes en realizar cualquier pregunta0 systems with active pfc power suppliesultra quiet design minimizes noise during operation for a quieter work environmenthelps prevent loss of data and minimizes the component stress caused by a hard shutdownmultifunction lcd panel displays immediate, detailed information on the ups battery and power conditions, alerting users to potential problems before they can affect critical equipment and cause downtimesee the  resources  tabgreenpower ups™ bypass design is a patented design that allows utility power to bypass the ups transformer, when ac power is stable, which reduces energy consumption, noise, and heat buildupenvios a todo el paisthe cppfclcd comes with a three-year warranty and a $ connected equipment guaranteewhat's in the box ups system, user manual, telephone cable, powerpanel personal edition software cd, coaxial cable, usb a+b type cable, warranty registration card, function setup guidefree software download availableavr is essential in areas where power fluctuations occur frequentlybattery backup supplies power long enough for equipment to properly shut down when utility power failsentrega personal en maracaibometodos de pago: punto de venta en tienda, efectivo, transferencia o deposito a los siguientes bancos: banesco-bod-mercantil-venezuela-provincial torre ups cyberpower pfc va 600w regulador de voltaje capacity:  va / 600 w topology: line interactive waveform: sine wave output: 120 vac ± 5% plug type & cord: nema 5-15p, 5 ftline interactive topology exists when a line interactive ups has an autotransformer that regulates low voltages (e

  • Speed optimized face technology provides consistent distance on center strike and mishits alikespeed optimized face technology produces consistent distance on every putt, even mishits diamond cnc milling pattern with deep grooves provides soft feel with a true roll that starts on-line optimized cg location through strategic weight redistribution provides solid feel and stability for straighter putts 6 tour-proven shapes will suit any golfer's stroke and stylespeed optimized face technologyproduces consistent distance on every putt, even mishitsdiamond cnc milling patterndeep grooves provide a soft feel with a true roll that starts on-lineoptimized cg locationthrough strategic weight redistribution provides solid feel and stability for straighter putts6 tour-proven shapeswill suit any golfer's stroke and style***** otras caracteristícas *****tiempo de entrega de 5 días hábiles***** descripción del producto ***** esto se ajusta a tuget distance control, soft feel, and confidence to sink more putts with the new huntington beach softenviamos su compra a cualquier parte del paísdescripción del producto at the intersection of artistry and science, new huntington beach soft putter delivers score-dropping technology in a finely crafted package***** condiciones para la venta ***** 1yet 6 tour-proven shapes in soft 304ss offer the aesthetic appeal only a master craftsman can achieve***** titulo completo ***** putter cleveland golf huntington beach soft # 6poseemos tienda física donde puede retirar su compra (cuando se le indique que esta lista para ser retirada)asegúrate de que esto coincide al ingresar tu número de modelo

  • Secure sockets layer (ssl) ssl provides security for web transactions by handling authentication, data enryption and digital signaturesrouter cisco modular feature benefit cisco ios software firewall sophisticated security and policy enforcement provides features such as stateful, application-based filtering (context-based access control), per-user authentication and authorization, real-time alerts, transparent firewall, and ipv6 firewallcom/etoken/cisco/) provides secure configuration distribution and allows users to store vpn credentials for deployment aim-based security acceleration support for an optional dedicated security aim can deliver 2 to 3 times the performance of embedded encryption capabilities with layer 3 compressiondynamic multipoint vpn (dmvpn) dmvpn is a cisco ios software solution for building ipsec + generic routing encapsulation (gre) vpns in an easy and scalable mannerthe series supports ssl vpns and ssl acceleration via the aim-vpn/ssl-3usb etoken support usb etokens from aladdin knowledge systems (available at http://wwwintrusion prevention system (ips) flexible and high performance support is offered through cisco ios® software or an intrusion-detection-system (ids) network modulemultiprotocol label switching (mpls) vpn support the cisco series supports specific provider edge functions plus a mechanism to extend customers' mpls vpn networks out to the customer edge with virtual routing and forwarding (vrf) firewall and vrf ipsecgroup encrypted transport (get) vpn get vpn is a cisco ios software solution that simplifies securing large layer 2 or mpls networks requiring partial or full-mesh connectivity by providing tunnel-less vpn connectivityonboard vpn encryption acceleration the cisco series supports ipsec digital encryption standard (des), triple des (3des), advanced encryption standard (aes) 128, aes 192, and aes 256 cryptology without consuming an aim slotthe ability to load and enable selected ids signatures in the same manner as cisco ids sensor appliances advanced application inspection and control cisco ios firewall includes http and several email inspection engines that can be used to detect misuse of port 80 and email connectivitycisco easy vpn remote and server support the cisco series eases administration and management of point-to-point vpns by actively pushing new security policies from a single headend to remote sitesnetwork admissions control (nac) a cisco self-defending network initiative, nac seeks to dramatically improve the ability of networks to identify, prevent, and adapt to threats by allowing network access only to compliant and trusted endpoint devicesfor details on the mpls vpn support on the different versions of the cisco series, please check the feature navigator tool on http://www

  • Control room output level provides control over the separate control room outputthe usb port provides fast, 24-bit/khz multi-channel audio recording to mac and windows software applications  ipod dock  the integrated ipod dock provides direct recording to ipods, as well as playback for adding backing tracks, background music, etccompact design  the unit is small yet durable enough to handle stationary or remote use  steinberg cubase le software  the imultimix 16 usb includes steinberg cubase le multitrack recording and sequencing softwareusb connection  integrated usb i/o allows direct digital integration with any windows or mac os applicationof the included effects are a variety of reverbs, delays, choruses, flanges, a pitch transposer and combinations of thesethe imultimix 16 usb is a perfect solution for podcasters, project studios, small venue sound reinforcement, rehearsal studios and morea 3-band eq is provided per channel for audio signal contouring and 1 post-fader aux send/effects send is also featured on every channelin addition to the line level inputs, the mixer also features eight microphone preamps with phantom power and up to 50db of preamp gainse vende por no usar the alesis imultimix 16 usb is a sixteen input audio recording and sound reinforcement mixer with an internal effects processor, usb connection and ipod dock  esta versatil consola permite reproducir y grabar directamente a un ipod classic, ademas tiene conectividad usb para grabar con el software qbasetransport controls are provided for remote operation and users can play ipod audio to create backing tracks for performances, rehearsals, etcusing the "transfer to itunes" feature sends audio files to windows and mac osx based computers without any complicated setup  high quality mic preamps  eight high quality xlr microphone preamps provide clean audio, quiet audio throughoutthe ipod dock enables users to record mixes directly to an ipodmono & stereo inputs  the mixer features eight mono inputs and four stereo paired inputs, ideal for keyboards, playback devices etcthe imultimix 16 usb is a full featured mixer with eight mono input channels and four stereo paired (l/r) input channels via balanced 1/4" trs phone connectionscubase le features 24-bit 96khz audio resolution and support for up to 48 playback trackseach preamp is capable of providing up to 50db of gain  internal effects  the imultimix 16 usb features an internal effects processor, providing 100 preset effects algorithms, including reverbs, flangers, phasers, and moreconsola alesis imutimix 16fxtransport controls provide remote operationthe internal digital effects processor features 100 preset effects and an easy-to-read display

  • Gpu tweak ii with xsplit gamecaster provides ultimate monitoring and streaming control, while super alloy power ii provides precise power deliverymhz boost clock (oc mode) with 6gb gddr5 dual-fan cooling provides doubled airflow for 3x quieter gameplay vr ready with dual hdmi 2select between gpu tweak’s standard or advanced modes depending on your level of experiencegpu tweak ii: intuitive performance tweaking adjust clock speeds, voltages and fan speeds to tune your graphics card(s) exactly how you want to0 ports asus geforce gtx graphics cards provide a powerful next-generation platform for the ultimate immersive virtual reality experiencefeatures powerful dual fans asus dual-fan geforce gtx comes equipped with patented wing-blade fans for max air flow with 105% more air pressureauto-extreme technology with super alloy power ii asus graphics cards are produced using auto-extreme technology, an industry-first 100% automated production process, and feature premium super alloy power ii components that reduce power loss, decrease component buzzing, and lower thermal temperatures0 ports gpu tweak ii makes monitoring performance and streaming easier than ever auto-extreme technology delivers premium quality and reliability with super alloy power ii components dual hdmi 2vr-friendly hdmi ports asus dual-fan geforce gtx graphics cards have two hdmi ports for connecting a vr device and display at the same time, so you can enjoy immersive virtual reality experiences anytime without having to swap cablesxsplitgamecaster: instant gameplay streamingfavor hacer todas sus preguntas equipo con muy poco uso favor preguntar por el precio¿ patented wing-blade fans a patented wing-blade design that delivers maximum air flow and improved 105% static pressure over the heat sink, while operating at 3x quieter volumes than reference cardsasus geforce gtx dual 6gb oc edition graphics card double the cool powered by nvidia pascal, the asus dual-fan gtx delivers cool overclocked performance with a mhz boost clock and patented wing-blade fans shrouded in white to match a variety of asus signature series motherboards

  • Nvidia gameworks™ provides an interactive and cinematic experience, as well as incredibly smooth gameplaygpu tweak ii with xsplit gamecaster provides intuitive performance tweaking and lets you stream your gameplay instantlyasus rog strix geforce® gtx provides immersive vr gaming experiences mhz boost clock in oc mode for outstanding performance and gaming experienceindustry only auto-extreme technology with super alloy power ii delivers premium quality and best reliabilityasus fanconnect features 4-pin gpu-controlled headers connected to system fans for optimal thermal performanceexcelente tarjeta de video, prestaciones infinitascon su caja y todos los accesoriosdirectcu iii with patented wing-blade fans for 30% cooler and 3x quieter performancevr-friendly hdmi ports for immersive virtual reality experiencesprácticamente nuevauna de las mejores tarjetas de video para aquellos clientes que requieren altos desempeños con sus tarjetas de video! realice todas las preguntas que requiera antes de ofertar! no somos tienda física, pero estamos atentos a sus necesidades, con total responsabilidad y calidad de servicio! se hacen entregas personales en ccs, con previo acuerdo! preguntar disponibilidad de mercancia antes de ofertar! cualquier duda sera respondida! estamos atentos a sus requerimientos! ojo, jamás usada para minar, solo 4 meses de usonvidia ansel for a revolutionary new way to capture in-game screenshotsaura rgb lighting to express personalized gaming style

  • Nvidia gameworks™ provides an interactive and cinematic experience, as well as incredibly smooth gameplaygpu tweak ii with xsplit gamecaster provides intuitive performance tweaking and lets you stream your gameplay instantlyasus rog strix geforce® gtx 1070 provides immersive vr gaming experiences 1860 mhz boost clock in oc mode for outstanding performance and gaming experienceindustry only auto-extreme technology with super alloy power ii delivers premium quality and best reliabilityasus fanconnect features 4-pin gpu-controlled headers connected to system fans for optimal thermal performanceexcelente tarjeta de video, prestaciones infinitascon su caja y todos los accesoriosdirectcu iii with patented wing-blade fans for 30% cooler and 3x quieter performancevr-friendly hdmi ports for immersive virtual reality experiencesprácticamente nuevauna de las mejores tarjetas de video para aquellos clientes que requieren altos desempeños con sus tarjetas de video! realice todas las preguntas que requiera antes de ofertar! no somos tienda física, pero estamos atentos a sus necesidades, con total responsabilidad y calidad de servicio! se hacen entregas personales en ccs, con previo acuerdo! preguntar disponibilidad de mercancia antes de ofertar! cualquier duda sera respondida! estamos atentos a sus requerimientos! ojo, jamás usada para minar, solo 4 meses de usonvidia ansel for a revolutionary new way to capture in-game screenshotsaura rgb lighting to express personalized gaming style

    Libertador-Aragua (Aragua)

  • The mainboard provides a desktop management interface (dmi) function which records your mainboard specifications3v / 5v pci bus interface) bios the mainboard bios provides "plug & play" bios which detects the peripheral devices and expansion cards of the board automaticallysupports a maximum resolution of xbpp support for new gdi extensions in windows® xp: alpha blt, transparent blt, gradient on-board ide an ide controller on the ati sb400 chipset provides ide hdd/cd-rom with pio, bus master and ultra dma operation modesexample: kingston hyperx ddr500 pc operates at 20 support (vertex shader v2one 6-pin connector on rear i/o, the other is supported by onboard pin headerit can connect 4 ultra ata drivesplease confirm and adjust your memory setting in the bios accordingly for better system stability0 ports (rear x 4 / front x 4) main memory supports four 184-pin ddr sdrams up to 4gb memory size supports dual channel ddr400*/ddr333 ddr sdram (*refer to msi recommended modules) support for 2mx32 (with 64-bit interface), 4mx32, 8mx32 and 16mx16 memory devices due to the high performance memory design, motherboards or system configurations may or may not operate smoothly at the jedec (joint electron device engineering council) standard settings (bios default on the motherboard) such as ddr voltage, memory speeds and memory timing0 ports (rear x 4 / front x 4) - 3 audio ports in vertical (line-out, line-in, mic) - 1 ieee pin out - 1 rj-45 jack dimension 93 spec meet pc audio performance requirement ieee supports upto 2 x portsslots one pci express 16x slot (recommanded ati radeon pci-express 16x video card) three pci 32-bit master pci bus slotscontrolled by via chipset lan realtek c supports mb/s auto-negotiation operationcompliant with pci v2data transfer both directions - mhz "double data rate" operation both direction - pci express x16 graphic interface - on-board graphic shared up to 128mb ati ® sb400 chipset ultra dma master mode pci eide controller - supports dual channel native serial ata/raid controller that will supply 150mb/s and support raid 0 or raid 1 - integrated hardware sound blaster / direct sound ac97 audio - acpi & pc compliant enhanced power management - supports 8 usb288mbytes - 1 serial ports com1 - 1 vga port - 1 parallel port supports spp/epp/ecp mode - 8 usb 20) with full precision floating point pixel pipeline, up to 4 multiple-render-targets (mrts) supports microsoft's next generation gdi+user interface and support resolution up to xbpp 2d graphics highly optimized 128-bit engine capable of processing multiple pixels per clock game acceleration including support for microsoft's directdraw, double buffering, virtual sprites, transparent blit, and masked blitvideo 3d graphics full directx 9compliance with acpi power management on-board peripherals - 1 floppy port supports 1 fdd with 360k, 720k, 1for more information about specification of high performance memory modules, please check with your memory manufactures for more detailsmsi amd socket 939 motherboard ms- ddr pci express entrego con procesdor y 4gb de memoria cpu supports 64-bit amd® athlonfx processor (socket 939) supports +, fx53 and fx55 chipset ati radeon® xpress 200 chipset - hypertransport connection to amd k8 athlon 64 processor - 8 or 16 bit control/address0 and pixel shader v2serial ata/150 controller integrated in ati sb400 - up to 150mb/s transfer speed - can connect up to 4 serial ata drives - support raid 0 or raid 1 audio 6 channel software audio codec realtek alc658c compliance with ac97' v2transfer rate up to 400mbps2 and pc99 standard(w) micro-atx form factor

  • Speed optimized face technology produces consistent distance on every putt, even mishits diamond cnc milling pattern with deep grooves provides soft feel with a true roll that starts on-line optimized cg location through strategic weight redistribution provides solid feel and stability for straighter putts 6 tour-proven shapes will suit any golfer's stroke and stylesofter feel - the soft 304 stainless steel and deep cnc face milling on each huntington beach soft putter provides exceptional feel for more confidence on the greens***** otras caracteristícas *****tiempo de entrega de 5 días hábiles***** descripción del producto ***** esto se ajusta a tuspeed optimized face technology - cleveland's proprietary speed optimized face technology, found within the huntington beach soft line, normalizes ball speed across the face of the putterdescripción del producto the huntington beach soft 12 is a single bend mallet with deeper grooves for improved feel and speed optimized face technology for better speed and distance control on your puttsenviamos su compra a cualquier parte del paíscleveland golf's tensile strength testing confirms that 304 stainless steel is 51% softer than 17-4 stainless steel***** condiciones para la venta ***** 1a unique milling pattern on each putter produces consistent speed, and consistent distance, even when you strike your putts off-centerposeemos tienda física donde puede retirar su compra (cuando se le indique que esta lista para ser retirada)***** titulo completo ***** putter cleveland golf huntington beach soft # 12precision milled face - each huntington beach soft putter features a diamond cnc milling pattern, which increases friction for a truer, more consistent rollasegúrate de que esto coincide al ingresar tu número de modelo

  • Descripción del producto cobra's most precise wedges are back in black featuring an all new dbm (demonized black metal) finish that provides the ultimate in durabilitymás información del producto cobra golf men's king black wedge dbm black technology dbm (diamonized black metal) technology is a revolutionary surface finish that provides extreme wear resistance, reduced glare and a professional look preferred by better playersdbm provides extreme resistance to wear for longer lasting, better looking wedges 100% cnc milled faces & grooves-cnc milling creates highly accurate grooves for consistent spin across the entire spin across the entire face variable face roughness-cobra patented cnc milling technique delivers optimized surface roughness across the face to maximize spin and control for more precise shots around the green progressive spin technology-wider shallower grooves in the weaker lofts and narrower, tighter spaced grooves in the stronger lofts deliver consistent trajectories between lofts 3 wedge grinds: versatile, classic, widelow-3 wedge grinds available in select lofts allow you to enjoy more versatility from a variety of lies and turf conditions around the greentiempo de entrega de 5 días hábiles***** descripción del producto ***** esto se ajusta a tudemonized black metal (plated carbon steel)-cobra's most durable satin black finish ever***** otras caracteristícas *****vibrational flow muscle back construction dampens vibrations for improved sound and a softer, yet more solid feel at impactwidelow has a wide sole with reduced bounceclassic grind-progressive sole width from heel to toeenviamos su compra a cualquier parte del paíscnc milled face & grooves cnc (computer numeri y controlled) milling creates highly accurate grooves for consistent spin across the entire face***** condiciones para la venta ***** 1the dbm process chemi y implants the black finish into the club head, increasing durability, without affecting playability, for longer lasting, better looking wedges***** titulo completo ***** cuña negra para golf cobra kingposeemos tienda física donde puede retirar su compra (cuando se le indique que esta lista para ser retirada)3 wedge grinds: versatile, classic, widelow versatile grind-toe, heel and trailing edge reliefasegúrate de que esto coincide al ingresar tu número de modelo

  • Com/web/ca/ marketing information: cisco aironet a/b/g wireless access point provides high-capacity, high-security, enterprise-class features in an unobtrusive, office-class design, delivering wlan access with the lowest total cost of ownershipwith high-performing dual ieee a and g radios, the aironet a/b/g wireless access point provides a combined capacity of up to 108 mbps to meet the needs of growing wlans3cm depth form factor: wall-mountable ceiling-mountable additional information: software: cisco ios software release )ja or later provides an interoperable alternative to ac power simplifies deployment by allowing power to be supplied over the ethernet cable compatible with af-compliant power sources nonoverlapping channels: a: up to b/g: 3 system memory: 32 mb ram 16 mb flash management: telnet console port simple network management protocol (snmp) trivial file transfer protocol (tftp) ciscoworks resource manager essentials (rme) ciscoworks software image manager (swim) ciscoworks campus manager ciscoworks wlse ciscoworks ciscoview puertos e interfaces interfaz radio-ethernet tecnología de cableado 10base-t/100base-tx peso y dimensiones dimensiones (ancho x profundidad x altura) 191 x 33 x 191 mm peso 700 g control de energía tipo de fuente de alimentación ac requisitos de energía v ( hz) energía sobre ethernet (poe), soporte condiciones ambientales intervalo de humedad relativa para funcionamiento % intervalo de temperatura operativa 0 - 40 °c protocolos protocolos de gestión snmp, telnet, http, https protocolos de red compatibles bootp seguridad algoritmos de seguridad soportados 128-bit wep, 40-bit wep, leap, peap, tkip, wpa, wpa2 método de autenticación ms-chap, ssh otras características puertos de entrada y salida (e/s) 1 x ethernet 10base-t/100base-tx - rj-45 máximo alcance interior 137 m máximo alcance en espacios abiertos 290 m formato de codificación de línea cck, ofdm distancia de funcionamiento máximo 290 m diseño interno indicadores led desempeño memoria interna 32 mb certificación wi-fi vcci, en , ices-003, iec , ul , csa 22the cisco aironet wireless access point delivers optimal value for offices and similar environments5dbi omni-directional antenna integrated 1 x 3dbi omni-directional antenna integrated frequency band/bandwidth: ghz to ghz ieee b/g ism band americas (fcc) 5in addition, when running cisco ios software the cisco aironet a/b/g wireless access point supports both access point and workgroup bridge functionality35 ghz ieee a americas (fcc) ghz to ghz ieee a americas (fcc) transmission speed: 108mbps antenna range: 24 m@ 54mbps indoors ieee a 100 m@ 6mbps indoors ieee a 30 m@ 54mbps indoors ieee g 122 m@ 6mbps indoors ieee g 110 m@ 11mbps indoors ieee b 137 m@ 1 mbps indoors ieee b 30 m@ 54mbps outdoors ieee a 198 m@ 6mbps outdoors ieee a 37 m@ 54mbps outdoors ieee g 274 m@ 6mbps outdoors ieee g 250 m@ 11mbps outdoors ieee b 290 m@ 1 mbps outdoors ieee b channels: 11 channel(s)operating ieee b/g america (fcc) 12 channel(s)operating ieee a america (fcc) modulation: a: ofdm b: cck g: ofdm transmission speed details: 54mbps auto-fallback ieee a/g 6mbps ieee a/g 11mbps auto-fallback ieee b 1mbps ieee b 108mbps 2x mode wireless security: x authenticate cisco wireless security suite supporting wpa and wpa2: authentication: mac address and standard authentication mechanisms x support, including cisco leap, eap-flexible authentication via secure tunneling (eap-fast) protected eap- generic token card (peap-gtc) peap-microsoft challenge authentication protocol version 2 (peap-mschapv2) eap-transport layer security (eap-tls) eap-tunneled tls (eap-ttls) eap-subscriber identity module (eap-sim) to yield mutual authentication and dynamic, per-user, per-session encryption keys (wpa and wpa2) encryption: aes-ccmp encryption (wpa2) support for static and dynamic ieee wep keys of 40 bits and 128 bits tkip encryption enhancements: key hashing (per-packet keying), message integrity check (mic) and broadcast key rotation via cisco tkip or wpa tkip wireless technology: ieee a/b/g interfaces/ports: 1 x rj-base-tx auto-sensing 1 x rj-45 console management channels: 11 channel(s)operating ieee b/g america (fcc) 12 channel(s)operating ieee a america (fcc) management: telnet console port simple network management protocol (snmp) trivial file transfer protocol (tftp) ciscoworks resource manager essentials (rme) ciscoworks software image manager (swim) ciscoworks campus manager ciscoworks wlse ciscoworks ciscoview dimensions: cm height x cm length x 3it avoids interference in congested airspace, simplifying the deployment of high-capacity networksa multipurpose mounting bracket easily secures the access point to ceilings and wallsmanufacturer: cisco systems, inc product name: aironet a/b/g wireless access point product line: aironet product series: ag antenna: 1 x 4product type: wireless access point manufacturer part number: air-apag-a-k9 manufacturer website address: wwwen , en , en , fcc part , as/nzs , rss-210, rss-102, as/nzs , ul , fcc memoria flash 16 mb tasa de transferencia (máx) 54 mbit/s estándares de red ieee a, ieee b, ieee g, ieee i, ieee x, ieee , ieee afbuilt-in antennas provide omnidirectional coverage specifically designed for today's open work spacesfor smooth migration, the access point takes full advantage of the dual-band capabilities of today's wlan clients, while providing full backward compatibility for legacy b clients

  • The hush pro provides both 1/4" and xlr inputs and outputs, and is easy to setup and usethe hush threshold control sets the amount of noise reduction required for a given input signal, while the gate threshold control provides additional downward expansion when increasedthe second half of the rocktron hush process incorporates downward expansionpuedo aceptar cambios stereo noise extermination for studio and stage applicationsand unlike tone-squashing noise gates, rocktron's vthe low-level expander of the hush system operates like an electronic volume controlwith a dynamic range of 105db and 72db of effective noise reduction, the hush pro is a valuable tool in the studio, on stage, or in a guitar rigthe rocktron hush pro continues the tradition of over 2 decades of rocktron's world-famous hush products used by music professionalsreductor de ruido en formato rackpuede ser usado para en vivos o para estudio(variable integrated release) circuitry allows every note you play to shine through and sustain naturallypracticamente no tiene usoeliminate hiss, crackle, and other noise problems with the very best, award-winning, noise-reduction circuitry possiblethe hush pro exterminates noise from a wide array of sourcesthe filter bandwidth will only open far enough to pass the highest frequency information in the signal, thus reducing the noise above itthe rocktron hush pro is equipped with an effect in/out (or bypass), and an input sensitivity switch conveniently located on the unit's front panelrocktron's patented hush noise reduction is a single-ended system that combines the principles of dynamic filtering and low-level downward expansionthe gate threshold control may also be used by itself, allowing the unit to be used strictly as a downward expanderwhen used correctly, the rocktron hush pro is completely transparent?it won't affect the audio signal, only the unwanted noisetracks every detail and nuance to provide the necessary noise reduction with ease and simplicityuse the hush pro as a hard gate with noise reduction to curb feedback when connected to a mixerthe hush pro is also a great addition to a guitar rig, leaving your tone intact while wiping out noise from preamps, stompboxes, effects units, and moredynamic filtering is achieved by dynamically-controlling a low pass filter to open and close the bandwidth of the output signal depending on the amount of mid- and high-band information present in the input signalas single-ended noise reduction, nothing comes close to the effectiveness of the hushnothing beats a hush when it comes to reducing and eliminating noise problems

  • Hdmi ready header - supports hdmi ready vga card a special 3-pin hdmi header provides s/p dif audio to be connected with hdmi ready vga cards, offering crisp hd multi-channel surround soundlga 775 intel® p35 fsb dual ddr pci-e x16 sata 3g raid esata 3g gigabit lan ieee ch hd audio rohs compliancy silentotes™ µguru™ tech    specifications fsb - speed up to fsb intel's best processor for multimedia applications with up to 80 percent faster performance for highly-threaded applications and four processing cores to handle the most massive throughput, the intel core 2 extreme quad-core processor provides exceptional performance abit fan eq™   helps you keep an eye on your motherboard fansso if you are pushing your hardware to the extreme and experiment with risky settings, you now have a an easy and convenient way to go back to save groundswith the ip35 pro you are prepared for the latest 65nm and next generation 45 nm multi-core cpus100% solid state capacitors best cpu and memory performance and overclockability external ccmos switch - get back on track with ease clear the cmos memory directly from the back panel, using abit 's innovative new ez switchthis hardware thermal protection automatically shuts down your system when the cpu temperature reaches a certain thresholdthis fanless solution keeps your motherboard cool and quiet one click bios update with  abit 's bios flash utility you can easily update your motherboard bios online or offline  form factor atx form factor 305 x 245mm pcb color: blue   rohs 100% lead-free process and rohs compliant  abit engineered abit  µguru™ technology abit  silent otes™ technology 100% japanese made low esr and high ripple conductive polymer aluminum solid state capacitor 100% japanese capacitor ez for ccmos abit engineered   abit  µguru with  abit 's unique  µguru  technology now even the most novice users can fully monitor and control their system including voltages, fans and temperatures; it's all just a click away1 ch hd audio codec supports auto jack sensing and optical s/pdif in/out hdmi ready header (spdif header)   expansion slots 1 x pci-e x16, 1 x pci-e x16 (x4 bandwidth), 1 x pci-e x1, 3 x pci   internal i/o 1 x floppy port supports up to 21 ch audio connector (front, line-in, mic-in, center/subwoofer, surround, rear surround) 4 x usb 2the more advanced you become, the more you will appreciate the multitude of fine tuning features  abit 's  µguru  technology holds for youwith an external data transfer rate of up to 3 gb/s no other external data transfer solution can compete with speed and ease of use88 mb 1 x ata ide connector 6 x sata 3gb/s connector 2 x ieee x usb header (support 6 ports) 1 x fp-audio   back panel i/o 1 x ps/2 keyboard, 1 x ps/2 mouse abit  silent otes™ 1 x s/p dif in, 1 x s/p dif out 2 x esata 7convenient and easy-to-use fine tuning from within a self-explanatory bios menu  abit cpu thermalguard™ the  abit cpu thermalguard™   technology prevents the cpu from overheating and burning up in the case of any hardware cooling malfunctionmemory capacity 8gb supports dual channel ddr un-buffered non-ecc memory   lan on board dual gigabit lan controller supports m ethernet   audio on board 70 1 x rj-45 lan connector ez ccmos switch   serial ata 6 x sata 3gb/s offer by intel® ich9r support intel® matrix storage tech(ahci & raid x esata 3gb/s through jmicron® jmb363 support 0,1jbod raid function   ieee supports 2 ports ieee at 400mb/s transfer rate hardware monitoring monitor temperatures, voltages and fan settings in real time and with zero cpu usagefor gigaoverclocking! boost your pc's performance by up to 50%  abit silent otes™ abit's silent otes™    heatpipe technology dissipates heat from the chipset and conducts it to a highly effective heatsink auto-detect hardware info the  abit  blackbox auto-detects hardware info for quick communication between users and  abit  tech supportsolid state capacitors -for best stability solid state capacitors significantly reduce heat dissipation and offer best voltage regulation, thereby increasing performance while extending product life and even under most stressful conditions  cpu support intel® core™ 2 extreme/duo/quad processors with mhz fsb support intel® core™ 2 extreme/quad/duo & pentium® dual core processors   chipset intel® p35 express / ich9r chipset   memory 4 x 240-pin dimm sockets support max2 x esata - fast & fiexible esata is a new standard for external storage deviceswith processors supporting intel’s speedstep technology (eist) the ip35 pro offers even more advanced energy efficiency  oc guru - autodrive™ by enabling autodrive, you can automatically apply different overclocking settings for different applications  abit softmenu™ the original jumperless motherboard design allows for cpu setting changes completely through the bios  dedicated fan control keep control over your hardware

  • Gopro lcd touch bacpac for hero3+ and hero3 (sin caja) detachable lcd screen: keeps your gopro small and light, yet provides enhanced convenience when attachedtouch interface: provides a simplified user experience and direct, intuitive access to settings use as a viewfinder: see what your camera sees for easy shot-framing photo and video playback: view the footage you captured directly on your gopro camera sold separately 3gopro auto charger dual usb port quickly charges up to two hd hero or hero2 cameras at once 1 amp per port for a quick charging solution simultaneously record video or photos while charging works with most devices that charge via usb 47 in material: [case] nylon, [padding] foam, [lining] velour waterproof: no recommended use: travel, storage0 small black - suitable for gopro hd hero compatible with hero, hero2, hero3, hero3+ and hero4 cameras dimensions: 8gopro wall charger 5gopro hero3+: silver edition (sin caja) set contains: gopro hero3+ silver edition camera standard housing for hero3 / hero3+ / hero4 higher capacity lithium-ion battery quick release buckle vertical quick release buckle curved adhesive mount flat adhesive mount 3-way pivot arm usb charging cable 1-year limited warranty 2

  • It provides violinists of all levels with the ability to practice confidently without disturbing othersviolín eléctrico viene con el arco, estuche, audífonos y resina garantía: 60 diaswhether you're practicing, recording in studio or performing on stage, the cecilio electric violin outfit offers excellent functionality and stylethe outfit features a 1/8 output jack that allows you to connect to most guitar amps or pa systems (1/4 to 1/8 cable included), volume control that allow you to choose the ambience you want, headphone jack for practice and a line-in jack for practice with a background trackthis violin package includes a well-padded lightweight hard case, a bow, rosin, bridge, pickup, aux cable, and headphonesthe outfit features a 1/8" output jack that allows you to connect to most guitar amps or pa systems (1/4" to 1/8" cable included), volume control that allow you to choose the ambience you want, headphone jack for practice and a line-in jack for practice with a background trackgreat for student, intermediate and professional violinistcecilio electric violin whether you're practicing, recording in studio or performing on stage, the cecilio electric violin outfit offers excellent functionality and style

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