Yes integrated graphics gpu none details architecture

Listado yes integrated graphics gpu none details architecture

  • Intel dual core eghz fsbmb socket 775 precio (5 trumps) specifications full list of technical specs summary clock speed 3 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes integrated graphics gpu none details architecture x threads 2 threads l2 cache 2 mb l2 cache per core 1 mb/core l3 cache 2 mb l3 cache per core 1 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 15 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 749 pt/w typical power consumption w bus clock speed 800 mhz87 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 487 ghz power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 11°c overclocking overclock popularity 13 overclocked clock speed 32 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 3

  • Intel dual core e5700 3ghz fsb800 2mb socket 775 precio (5 trumps) specifications full list of technical specs summary clock speed 3 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes integrated graphics gpu none details architecture x86-64 threads 2 threads l2 cache 2 mb l2 cache per core 1 mb/core l3 cache 2 mb l3 cache per core 1 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count 228,000,000 max cpus 1 clock multiplier 15 voltage range 087 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 487 ghz power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 11°c overclocking overclock popularity 13 overclocked clock speed 39 pt/w typical power consumption 5281w bus clock speed 800 mhz36v operating temperature unknown - 742 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 3

    Caracas (Distrito Capital)

  • Intel dual core eghz fsbmb socket 775 precio (10 vers) specifications full list of technical specs summary clock speed 3 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes integrated graphics gpu none details architecture x threads 2 threads l2 cache 2 mb l2 cache per core 1 mb/core l3 cache 2 mb l3 cache per core 1 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 15 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 749 pt/w typical power consumption w bus clock speed 800 mhz87 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 487 ghz power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 11°c overclocking overclock popularity 13 overclocked clock speed 32 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 3

  • 2 ghz cores single core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support no instruction set extensions mmx sse sse2 sse3 supports dynamic frequency scaling no integrated graphics gpu none details architecture x threads 2 threads l2 cache 1 mb l2 cache per core 1 mb/core manufacture process 90 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 16 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 6794 ghz power consumption tdp 84w annual home energy cost $/year annual commercial energy cost $/year typical power consumption w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed 800 mhzen buen estado, como puede ver en la segunda foto, este procesador fue probado recientemente en un equipo que soporta dicho modelo de procesadoral realizar su pago por mercado pago le pido un gran favor de calificar inmediatamente luego de ser probado por usted7°c overclocking overclock popularity 5 overclocked clock speed 394 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 4 ghz passmark (overclocked) overclocked clock speed (air) 3summary clock speed 3

  • 8 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support no instruction set extensions mmx sse sse2 sse3 supports dynamic frequency scaling no integrated graphics gpu none bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed 800 mhz details architecture x threads 2 threads l2 cache 2 mb l2 cache per core 1 mb/core manufacture process 90 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 14 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 64summary clock speed 294 pt/w typical power consumption w memory controller memory controller built-in supports ecc no25 ghz passmark (overclocked) overclocked clock speed (air) 31°c overclocking overclock popularity 11 overclocked clock speed 352 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 452 ghz power consumption tdp 95w annual home energy cost $/year annual commercial energy cost $/year performance per watt 0

  • 85 ghz integrated graphics gpu none9 pt/w typical power consumption w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed mhz details architecture x threads 2 threads l2 cache 3 mb l2 cache per core 11 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 193 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 sse485 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 4intel core2 duo eghz fsbmb socket 775 precio (10 trumps) specifications clock speed 21°c overclocking overclocked clock speed 306 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 35 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 11 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 74

  • 85 ghz integrated graphics gpu none81w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed 1,066 mhz details architecture x86-64 threads 2 threads l2 cache 3 mb l2 cache per core 11 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 193 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 sse49 pt/w typical power consumption 5285 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 45 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count 228,000,000 max cpus 1 clock multiplier 11 voltage range 093ghz fsb1066 3mb socket 775 precio (10 trumps) specifications clock speed 2intel core2 duo e7500 236v operating temperature unknown - 741°c overclocking overclocked clock speed 306 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 3

    Caracas (Distrito Capital)

  • 85 ghz integrated graphics gpu none *** importante: pregunten ante de ofertar *** *** recordar que su oferta es compromiso de compra, caso contrario se calificará negativo ***9 pt/w typical power consumption w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed mhz details architecture x threads 2 threads l2 cache 3 mb l2 cache per core 11 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 193 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 sse4solo venta, no cambios *** procesador intel core 2 duo eghz*** 10*$ c/u 25*$ por 3 piezas producto 100% operativo en buenas condiciones specifications clock speed 285 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 41°c overclocking overclocked clock speed 306 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 35 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 11 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 74

  • 85 ghz integrated graphics gpu none *** importante: pregunten ante de ofertar *** *** recordar que su oferta es compromiso de compra, caso contrario se calificará negativo ***81w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed 1,066 mhz details architecture x86-64 threads 2 threads l2 cache 3 mb l2 cache per core 11 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 193 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 sse4solo venta, no cambios *** procesador intel core 2 duo e7500 293ghz*** 10*$ c/u 25*$ por 3 piezas producto 100% operativo en buenas condiciones specifications clock speed 29 pt/w typical power consumption 5285 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 45 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count 228,000,000 max cpus 1 clock multiplier 11 voltage range 036v operating temperature unknown - 741°c overclocking overclocked clock speed 306 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 3

    Libertador-Aragua (Aragua)

  • 85 ghz integrated graphics gpu none *** nota: de no concretar su compra o comunicarse en 2 dĂ­as será calificado negativo81w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed 1,066 mhz details architecture x86-64 threads 2 threads l2 cache 3 mb l2 cache per core 11 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 193 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 sse4*** lea la descripciĂłn antes de comprar *** *** solo venta *** 10*$ c/u procesador chequeado 100%, excelente estado, poco uso, les doy dos dĂ­as de garantĂ­a para comprobar su funcionamiento93ghz*** specifications clock speed 2*** procesador intel core 2 duo e7500 206 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 39 pt/w typical power consumption 5285 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 45 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count 228,000,000 max cpus 1 clock multiplier 11 voltage range 036v operating temperature unknown - 741°c overclocking overclocked clock speed 3al momento de comprar se le suministrará el sitio exacto, entrega personal

    Libertador-Aragua (Aragua)

  • 85 ghz integrated graphics gpu none *** nota: de no concretar su compra o comunicarse en 2 dĂ­as será calificado negativo9 pt/w typical power consumption w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed mhz details architecture x threads 2 threads l2 cache 3 mb l2 cache per core 11 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 193 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 sse4*** no-somos-tiendas *** *** estamos-ubicado-en-el-centro-avbaralt *** *** horario-de-entrega-personal-todos-los-dĂ­as *** *** procesador intel core 2 duo eghz*** specifications clock speed 285 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 4*** lea la descripciĂłn antes de comprar *** *** solo venta *** procesador chequeado 100%, excelente estado, poco uso1°c overclocking overclocked clock speed 306 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 35 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 11 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 74

  • 85 ghz integrated graphics gpu none *** nota: de no concretar su compra o comunicarse en 2 dĂ­as será calificado negativo9 pt/w typical power consumption w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed mhz details architecture x threads 2 threads l2 cache 3 mb l2 cache per core 11 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes power consumption tdp 65w performance per watt 193 ghz cores dual core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes supports trusted computing no has virtualization support yes instruction set extensions supplemental sse3 sse2 sse mmx sse3 sse4entrega personal*** no-somos-tiendas *** *** estamos-ubicado-en-el-centro-avbaralt *** *** horario-de-entrega-personal-todos-los-dĂ­as *** *** procesador intel core 2 duo eghz*** specifications clock speed 2al momento de comprar se le suministrará el sitio exacto, no somos tienda85 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 41°c overclocking overclocked clock speed 306 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 3*** lea la descripciĂłn antes de comprar *** *** solo venta *** procesador chequeado 100%, excelente estado, poco uso, les doy dos dĂ­as de garantĂ­a para comprobar su funcionamiento5 mb/core manufacture process 45 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 11 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 74

  • 81 ghz integrated graphics gpu none93 pt/w typical power consumption w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed 533 mhz details architecture x threads 1 thread l2 cache 1 mb l2 cache per core 1 mb/core manufacture process 90 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 20 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 6766 ghz cores single core socket type lga 775 features has a nx bit yes has virtualization support no instruction set extensions mmx sse sse2 sse3 supports dynamic frequency scaling no power consumption tdp 84w annual home energy cost $/year annual commercial energy cost $/year performance per watt 0en buen estado, como puede ver en la segunda foto, este procesador fue probado recientemente en un equipo que soporta dicho modelo de procesadorsummary clock speed 2al realizar su pago por mercado pago le pido un gran favor de calificar inmediatamente luego de ser probado por usted67 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 37°c overclocking overclocked clock speed 381 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 2

  • 33 ghz integrated graphics gpu none33 ghz cores single core socket type 478 features has a nx bit no supports trusted computing no has virtualization support no instruction set extensions mmx sse sse2 sse3 supports dynamic frequency scaling yes power consumption tdp 88w bus architecture fsb number of links 1 clock speed 533 mhz details architecture x86 threads 2 threads l2 cache 1 mb l2 cache per core 1 mb/core manufacture process 90 nm transistor count max cpus 1 clock multiplier 25 voltage range v operating temperature unknown - 75°c overclocking overclocked clock speed 333 ghz overclocked clock speed (air) 333 ghz overclocked clock speed (water) 3mobile intel® pentium® 4 processor 548 supporting ht technology 1m cache, 333 ghz, 533 mhz fsb precio (5 trumps) specifications clock speed 3

  • Graphic integrated graphics processor multi-vga output support: hdmi/dvi/rgb ports - supports hdmi with max)/ mhz non-ecc, un-buffered memory dual channel memory architecture supports intel® extreme memory profile (xmp) * mhz and higher frequency is supported by intel® 3rd generation processorstarjeta madre asus p8h77 y gtx 660 por una gpu mejor solo cambio gente seria a la hora de negocio trato personal o envio por domesa gtx 660 funcional sin detalle(cpu parameter recall) special features asus epu: - epu asus digital power design: - industry leading 4 + 1 + 1 phase power design - asus digi+ vrm utility asus protect 3 technology: - anti-surge protection - low emi solution - esd turbov gpu boost asus exclusive features: - memok! - asus uefi bios ez mode featuring friendly graphics user interface - network icontrol - usb 3resolution x hz - supports dvi with max0 ports only support windows® 7 or later versions0 port(s) 1 x tpm connector(s) 1 x com port(s) connector(s) 2 x sata 6gb/s connector(s) 4 x sata 3gb/s connector(s) 1 x cpu fan connector(s) (4 -pin) 1 x chassis fan connector(s) 1 x s/pdif out header(s) 1 x 24-pin eatx power connector(s) 1 x 8-pin atx 12v power connector(s) 1 x parallel port connector(s) 1 x front panel audio connector(s) (aafp) 1 x system panel(s) 1 x memok! button(s) 1 x clear cmos jumper(s) accessories user's manual i/o shield 2 x sata 6gb/s cable(s) bios 64 mb flash rom, uefi ami bios, pnp, dmi2*3: supports on intel® core™ processor family with windows 7 operating systemsresolution x hz maximum shared memory of mb supports intel® hd graphics, intru™ 3d, quick sync video, clear video hd technology, insider™ multi-gpu support supports amd quad-gpu crossfirex™ technology supports lucidlogix® virtu™ mvp technology *1 expansion slots 1 x pcie x16 (blue) *2 1 x pcie 2*4: use a chassis with hd audio module in the front panel to support an 8-channel audio output *5-1: supports asus usb 3temperatura normal1 gen 1 port(s) (19-pin) 3 x usb 2com for the memory qvl (qualified vendors lists)0 x1 1 x pci storage intel® h77 chipset: 2 x sata 6gb/s port(s), gray, 4 x sata 3gb/s port(s), blue, support raid supports intel® smart response technology, intel® rapid start technology, intel® smart connect technology lan realtek® f, 1 x gigabit lan controller(s) audio realtek® alc-channel high definition audio codec *4 - supports: jack-detection, front panel jack-retasking audio feature: - optical s/pdif out port(s) at back panel usb ports intel® h77 chipset: *5 4 x usb 332gb memory capacity can be supported with dimms of 8gb (or above)0 port(s) (4 at back panel, black, 6 at mid-board) rog exclusive features overclocking protection: - asus c0 connector(s) support(s) additional 6 usb 20, wol by pme, pxe support disc drivers asus utilities asus update anti-virus software (oem version) form factor uatx form factor 90 boost - disk unlocker asus quiet thermal solution: - stylish fanless design heat-sink solution - asus fan xpert asus ez diy: - asus crashfree bios 3 - asus ez flash 2 - asus mylogo % all high-quality conductive polymer capacitors back i/o ports 1 x ps/2 keyboard/mouse combo port(s) 1 x dvi 1 x d-sub 1 x hdmi 1 x lan (rj45) port(s) 2 x usb 3* due to the cpu behavior, ddrmhz memory module will run at ddrmhz frequency as default*5-2: the usb 31 gen 1 port(s) (2 at back panel, blue, 2 at mid-board) intel® h77 chipset: 10 x usb 20 support depends on the cpu types0 * the intel® turbo boost technology 2asus will update qvl once the dimms are available on the market1 gen 1 4 x usb 20a, multi-language bios, asus ez flash 2, asus crashfree bios 3, f12 printscreen, f3 shortcut function and asus dram spd (serial presence detect) memory information manageability wfm 20 speed is supported by intel® 3rd generation core™ processors1 gen 1 connector(s) support(s) additional 2 usb 30 boost turbo moderesolution x hz - supports rgb with max0 x16 (x4 mode, black) 1 x pcie 2pueden ver fotos reales cpu intel® socket for 3rd/2nd generation core™ i7/core™ i5/core™ i3/pentium®/celeron® processors supports intel® 22 nm cpu supports intel® 32 nm cpu supports intel® turbo boost technology 2* hyper dimm support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual cpus0 1 x optical s/pdif out 3 x audio jack(s) internal i/o ports 1 x usb 35 cm) note *1: lucidlogix® virtu mvp supports windows® 7 operating systemscom for cpu support list chipset intel® h77 memory 4 x dimm, max*6: due to intel® chipset limitation, p8z77, p8h77 and p8b75 series motherboards do not support windows® vista operating system

  • 1 cache memory installed size 1 mb miscellaneous product type processor processor package oem/tray header brand intel packaged quantity 1 compatibility pc cache memory details technology smart cache installed size 1 mb integrated graphics type intel hd graphics with dynamic frequency base frequency 650 mhz max dynamic frequency 1 ghz features dual display capable, intel clear video hd technology, intel fdi expansion slots type none slot required type processor form factor lga socket total qty 1 general manufacturerintelprocesador intel celeron gghz/lga/tray/oem - cm processor processor number g-bit computing yes compatible processor socket lga socket clock speed 16 ghz thermal design power 35 w type / form factor intel celeron g440 cache memory details smart cache - 1 mb processor qty 1 type celeron installed qty 1 architecture features enhanced speedstep technology, execute disable bit capability, intel virtualization technology, intel 64 technology, streaming simd extensions 45 °c features enhanced speedstep technology, execute disable bit capability, intel 64 technology, intel fast memory access, intel flex memory access, intel virtualization technology, thermal monitoring technologies, streaming simd extensions 41, streaming simd extensions 42, intel fast memory access, intel flex memory access, thermal monitoring technologies cache 1 mb manufacturer intel manufacturing process 32 nm thermal specification 65

  • 5g (by specifications) introduction date may end-of-life date last order date is 3rd quarter last shipment date is 1st quarter architecture / microarchitecture microarchitecture k10 platform danube processor core ? champlain core stepping ? bl-c3 cpuid 100f53 manufacturing process micron silicon-on-insulator (soi) technology data width 64 bit the number of cpu cores 3 the number of threads 3 floating point unit integrated, 128-bit wide level 1 cache size ? 3 x 64 kb 2-way set associative instruction caches 3 x 64 kb 2-way set associative data caches level 2 cache size ? 3 x 512 kb 16-way set associative caches level 3 cache size none cache latency [1] 3 (l1 cache) 15 (l2 cache) multiprocessing uniprocessor features mmx instructions extensions to mmx 3dnow! technology extensions to 3dnow! sse / streaming simd extensions sse2 / streaming simd extensions 2 sse3 / streaming simd extensions 3 sse4a ? amd64 / amd 64-bit technology ? evp / enhanced virus protection ? amd-v / amd virtualization technology low power features powernow! integrated peripherals / components integrated graphics none memory controller the number of controllers: 1 memory channels: 2 supported memory: ddr, ddr3l- maximum memory bandwidth (gb/s): 176 gt/s) clock multiplier ? 9 package 638-pin lidless organic micro pin grid array (uol638) amd package number socket socket s1 (s1g4) size 1informaciĂłn general tipo cpu / microprocesador market segment mobile family amd phenom ii triple-core mobile numero del modelo p820 cpu part number hmp820sgr32gm is an oem/tray microprocessor stepping code aadhc ad frequencia ? mhz bus speed ? one mhz 16-bit hypertransport link (31 other peripherals hypertransport technology 30 electrical / thermal parameters thermal design power ? 25 watt notes on amd phenom ii p820 usado pero esta funcional al 100% haga todas las preguntas necesarias recuerde que su oferta es un compromiso 3 dias para concretar acepto transferencias o depositos a mercantil y venezuela se realizan envios a todo el pais los gastos del envio corren a cuenta del comprador 1 mes de garantia somos tienda fisica en el centro de la ciudad

  • 1 cache memory installed size 6 mb miscellaneous product type processor processor package oem/tray header brand intel packaged quantity 1 compatibility pc cache memory details technology smart cache installed size 6 mb integrated graphics type intel hd graphics base frequency 650 mhz max dynamic frequency 12 ghz thermal design power 65 w type / form factor intel core is (3rd gen) cache memory details smart cache - 6 mb type core i5 number of threads 4 threads generation 3 architecture features enhanced speedstep technology, execute disable bit capability, intel virtualization technology, intel 64 technology, streaming simd extensions 405 ghz features intru 3d technology, intel clear video hd technology, intel fdi, intel insider, intel quick sync video, intel wireless display (widi) general manufacturer intel *** fotos reales del producto ofrecido *** realiza todas las preguntas necesarias antes de hacer click en comprar envĂ­os fuera de caracas por domesa y zoom los dĂ­as martes y jueves pagos por provincial, bancaribe, venezuela garantĂ­a: 30 dias2, intel fast memory access, intel flex memory access, intel turbo boost technology 2procesador intel i5 / socket intel is 100% nuevo, sellado en bolsa antiestatica / oem *** las fotos son originales del producto ofrecido *** no incluye disipador de calor, ni ventilador, unicamente el procesador procesador intel quad core / socket intel is 100% nuevo, sellado en bolsa antiestatica / oem *** las fotos son originales del producto ofrecido *** no incluye disipador de calor, ni ventilador, unicamente el procesador intel is processor number of cores quad-core processor number is compatible processor socket lga socket clock speed 21, streaming simd extensions 40, intel my wifi technology, intel anti-theft technology, intel advanced vector extensions (avx), intel aes new instructions (aes-ni), thermal monitoring technologies, intel virtualization technology for directed i/o (vt-d), idle states, intel vt-x with extended page tables (ept) cache 6 mb manufacturer intel manufacturing process 22 nm features enhanced speedstep technology, execute disable bit capability, idle states, intel 64 technology, intel aes new instructions (aes-ni), intel advanced vector extensions (avx), intel anti-theft technology, intel fast memory access, intel flex memory access, intel my wifi technology, intel turbo boost technology 20, intel vt-x with extended page tables (ept), intel virtualization technology, intel virtualization technology for directed i/o (vt-d), thermal monitoring technologies, streaming simd extensions 47 ghz max turbo speed 3

  • Video integrated graphics intel hd integrated graphics note: integrated graphics does not work if a graphics card is installedaudio integrated audio audio codec: alc659-cg audio jack presence detection note: integrated sound is not available if a graphics card is installed9 ghz quad core 35 w intel hd graphics (gt2) intel core i (haswell) 31 in) chipset intel h81 processor upgrade information tdp: up to 54 w socket type: lga motherboard supports the following processor upgrades: processor tdp integrated graphics intel core it (haswell) 17 ghz dual core 54 w intel hd graphics memory upgrade information dual channel memory architecture two ddr3 dimm (240-pin) sockets supports the following: pc (ddr) pc (ddr) supports 1 gb, 2 gb, 4 gb and 8 gb dimms supports up to 4 gb on 32-bit systems note: 32-bit systems cannot address a full 4precio al -norte- de la publicaciĂłn 100network lan: base-t: technology: realtek rtl data transfer speeds: up to mb/s transmission standards: base-t ethernet expansion slots one pci-e (gen 2) x16 socket one mentrega personales a convenir en una zona cĂ©ntricavendo o cambio (acepto propuestas razonables, preferiblemente componentes de pc)2 socket 3, key m oferte si esta seguro de lo contrario sera calificado negativomotherboard description manufacturer name: pegatron hp/compaq name: shave-hsw ssid: 2b5b form factor uatx dimensions: 19tarjeta madre sin usosupports up to 16 gb (unbuffered) on 64-bit computers note: maximum memory shown reflects the capability of the hardware and can be limited further in the operating system

  • Video integrated graphics intel hd integrated graphics note: integrated graphics does not work if a graphics card is installedaudio integrated audio audio codec: alc659-cg audio jack presence detection note: integrated sound is not available if a graphics card is installed9 ghz quad core 35 w intel hd graphics (gt2) intel core i (haswell) 31 in) chipset intel h81 processor upgrade information tdp: up to 54 w socket type: lga motherboard supports the following processor upgrades: processor tdp integrated graphics intel core it (haswell) 17 ghz dual core 54 w intel hd graphics memory upgrade information dual channel memory architecture two ddr3 dimm (240-pin) sockets supports the following: pc (ddr) pc (ddr) supports 1 gb, 2 gb, 4 gb and 8 gb dimms supports up to 4 gb on 32-bit systems note: 32-bit systems cannot address a full 4network lan: base-t: technology: realtek rtl data transfer speeds: up to mb/s transmission standards: base-t ethernet expansion slots one pci-e (gen 2) x16 socket one mentrega personales a convenir en una zona cĂ©ntricaprecio de la publicaciĂłn 75 manzanas2 socket 3, key m oferte si esta seguro de lo contrario sera calificado negativovendo o cambio (acepto propuestas razonables, preferiblemente componentes de pc, tarjetas de video >2gb, igual ofrezca)motherboard description manufacturer name: pegatron hp/compaq name: shave-hsw ssid: 2b5b form factor uatx dimensions: 19tarjeta madre sin usosupports up to 16 gb (unbuffered) on 64-bit computers note: maximum memory shown reflects the capability of the hardware and can be limited further in the operating system

  • With 3gb of 384bit gddr5 memory, engine clock speed of 850mhz, award-winning graphics core next (gcn) architecture, and dvi-i/hdmi/2 x mini displayport outputs, the visiontek radeon rx can run today?s most popular games at p resolution up to 39% faster than other brand gpu powered graphics cardslike a supercharger for your gaming rig gcn architecture a new design for amd?s unified graphics processing and compute cores that allows them to achieve higher utilization for improved performance and efficiency2 graphics standard, you?ll elevate your gaming experience with stunning 3d visual effects, realistic lighting, and lifelike imageryadvanced gddr5 memory technology gddr5 memory provides the highest available memory bandwidth of any memory technology today, enabling higher gpu performanceradeon? rx specifications radeon? rx system requirements graphics engine: radeon rx video memory: 3gb gddr5 memory interface: 384-bit directx® support: 11amd eyefinty technology run multiple displays from a single graphics board and expand your gaming field of view across all displaysamd powerplay? technology amd powerplay? technology dynamically adjusts clockspeeds in response to gpu load, saving power for just when you need itamd powertune technology maximizes performance under load conditions by dynamically increasing the gpu engine clock to take advantage of unused tdp headroomamd app acceleration amd app accelerator creates a ?co-processing? environment in which the compute processing potential in your amd radeon? graphics processor works together with the system central processor, to accelerate enabled applicationsmicrosoft directx® 11increase your gaming performance up to 2x with amd crossfire? technology, 2amd crossfire? technology multi-gpu support offers superior scalability0 core speed: 850mhz (mhz boost) memory speed: mhz x4 (6gbps) vga output: using dvi to vga adapter dvi output: dl dvi-i hdmi output: hdmi (video/audio) displayport output: 2x mini displayport uefi ready: support warranty: limited lifetime* garantĂ­a: 30 dias1 channels of surround sound over hdmi and displayport75x for trifire configurations, or 3play 3d games, watch blu-ray 3d videos, and edit 3d photos on your 3d monitors, tv, or projector75x with quadfire configs2 bus standard: pci express 3for peace of mind ownership, it comes backed by an industry leading lifetime warranty and free lifetime us-based technical supportwith support for the directx® 11mvc, mpeg2, etc3d mark fire strike: greater than dmark fire strike is the world?s most popular dedicated gaming benchmarking tool used by millions of gamers, top hardware review sites, and many of the world's leading manufacturers to measure pc gaming performancealso allows users to configure their own tdp limit, within a provided range, for even higher performance or more power efficiency) and conclusively enable superior video playback quality with advanced hardware post-processing algorithmsamd hd3d technology supports the latest stereoscopic 3d content and display technologiesprice point, offering a 3dmark fire strike score exceedingintelligent overclocking control amd latest boost state technology automatically allows radeon graphic to run higher than the base core speed if it?s operating below power, current, and temperature specification limits2 get intense gaming performance and unrivalled image quality with stunning 3d visual effects, realistic lighting and lifelike imageryamd hd media accelerator assumes rendering responsibility for hd encode (vce)/decode (mpeg-4 asp, hdolby® truehd and dts-hd master audio? support of content protected, high bandwidth, 7

  • Gráficos integrated graphics processor multi-vga output support: dvi/rgb ports - supports dvi with max0 port(s) (2 at back panel, black, 4 at mid-board) caracteristicas especiales asus epu: - epu asus exclusive features: - gpu boost - ai suite 3 - ai charger - anti-surge - asus uefi bios ez mode featuring friendly graphics user interface - network icontrol - usb 316gb, ddr mhz non-ecc, un-buffered memory dual channel memory architecture supports intel® extreme memory profile (xmp) * hyper dimm support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual cpus0 tradicional ai suite 3 – las caracterĂ­sticas innovadoras de asus en un solo lugar gpu boost – ¡ve al lĂ­mite con igpu level up! epu – eficiencia energĂ©tica completa y valores detallados de consumo de cpu especificaciones cpu intel® socket for 4th generation core™ i7/core™ i5/core™ i3/pentium®/celeron® processors supports intel® 22 nm cpu supports intel® turbo boost technology 25 cm) nota *1-1:due to the limitation of the intel® h81chipset, intel® rapid start technology can be configured only from the bios setup program* due to intel® chipset limitation, ddr mhz and higher memory modules on xmp mode will run at the maximum transfer rate of ddr mhz0 x1 almacenamiento intel® h81 chipset: 2 x sata 6gb/s port(s), yellow 2 x sata 3gb/s port(s), dark brown, supports intel® rapid start technology, intel® smart connect technology *1 lan realtek® g, 1 x gigabit lan controller(s) audio realtek® alc-channel high definition audio codec *2 - supports: jack-detection, front panel jack-retasking puertos usb intel® h81 chipset: 2 x usb 3resolution x hz maximum shared memory of mb supports intel® intru™ 3d, quick sync video, clear video hd technology, insider™ slots de expansiĂłn 1 x pcie x16 2 x pcie 20 boost - disk unlocker asus quiet thermal solution: - stylish fanless design heat-sink solution - asus fan xpert asus ez diy: - asus crashfree bios 3 - asus ez flash 2 asus q-design: - asus q-slot operating system support windows 7 windows® 8 puertos i/o traseros 1 x ps/2 keyboard (purple) 1 x ps/2 mouse (green) 1 x dvi 1 x d-sub 1 x lan (rj45) port(s) 2 x usb 3*2:use a chassis with hd audio module in the front panel to support an 8-channel audio output0 connector(s) support(s) additional 4 usb 20 boost (soporta uasp) - transmisiones un 170 % más rápidas que el estándar usb 30 port(s) 2 x sata 6gb/s connector(s) 2 x sata 3gb/s connector(s) 1 x cpu fan connector(s) (1 x 4 -pin) 1 x chassis fan connector(s) (1 x 4 -pin) 1 x s/pdif out header(s) 1 x 24-pin eatx power connector(s) 1 x 4-pin atx 12v power connector(s) 1 x front panel connector(s) 1 x front panel audio connector(s) (aafp) 1 x internal speaker connector(s) 1 x clear cmos jumper(s) accessorios user's manual i/o shield 2 x sata 6gb/s cable(s) bios 64 mb flash rom, uefi ami bios, pnp, dmi20 nuevo uefi bios – más amigable, más fácil y más intuitivo con informaciĂłn Ăştil agregada usb 3com for the memory qvl (qualified vendors lists)*1-2:these functions will work depending on the cpu installed0 3 x audio jack(s) internal i/o 2 x usb 21 gen 1 (blue) 2 x usb 20a, multi-language bios, asus ez flash 2, asus crashfree bios 3, my favorites, quick note, last modified log, f12 printscreen, f3 shortcut functions and asus dram spd (serial presence detect) memory information capacidad de gestiĂłn wfm 20 support depends on the cpu types0 * the intel® turbo boost technology 2resolution x hz - supports rgb with maxtarjeta micro-atx h81 acompañado de uefi bios, rendimiento de gráficos integrados supremo y rendimiento Ăşnico usb 3com for cpu support list chipset intel® h81 memoria 2 x dimm, max0, wol by pme, pxe disco soporte drivers asus utilities ez update anti-virus software (oem version) factor de forma uatx form factor 81 gen 1 port(s) (2 at back panel, blue) intel® h81 chipset: 6 x usb 2

  • Gráficos integrated graphics processor multi-vga output support: hdmi/dvi-d/rgb/displayport ports - supports hdmi with max32gb, ddr mhz memory dual channel memory architecture * refer to www1 gen 1 port(s) (4 at back panel,, 4 at mid-board) caracteristicas especiales asus epu: - epu gpu boost asus exclusive features: - ai suite 3 - ai charger - anti-surge - asus uefi bios ez mode featuring friendly graphics user interface - network icontrol - usb 3resolution x hz / x @ hz maximum shared memory of mb soporte multi gpu supports amd quad-gpu crossfirex™ technology slots de expansiĂłn 1 x pcie x16 1 x pcie 20 1 x audio jack(s) internal i/o 1 x usb 31 gen 1 port(s) (2 at back panel,, 2 at mid-board) intel® b85 chipset: 8 x usb 30 connector(s) support(s) additional 4 usb 2resolution x hz / x @ hz - supports dvi-d with maxcom for the memory qvl (qualified vendors lists)0 x16 (x4 mode) 1 x pcie 2chipset intel® b85 memoria 4 x dimm, maxresolution x hz - supports displayport with max0, wol by pme, wor by pme, pxe disco soporte drivers asus utilities asus update software antivirus (versiĂłn oem) factor de forma matx form factor 90 support depends on the cpu types1 gen 1 port(s) 2 x usb 20 * the intel® turbo boost technology 21 gen 1 4 x usb 2cpu intel® socket for 4th generation core™ i7/core™ i5/core™ i3/pentium®/celeron® processors supports intel® 22 nm cpu supports intel® turbo boost technology 20a, bios multilingĂĽe, asus ez flash 2, asus crashfree bios 3 capacidad de gestiĂłn wfm 20 x1 1 x pci almacenamiento intel® b85 chipset: 2 x sata 3gb/s port(s), dark brown 4 x sata 6gb/s port(s), yellow lan realtek® f, 1 x gigabit lan controller(s) audio realtek® alc887-vd 8-channel high definition audio codec - supports: jack-detection, multi-streaming, front panel jack-retasking, anti-pop function puertos usb intel® b85 chipset: 4 x usb 31 gen 1 connector(s) support(s) additional 2 usb 3resolution x hz - supports rgb with max0 port(s) 1 x tpm header 1 x lpt1 header 1 x com port(s) connector(s) 4 x sata 6gb/s connector(s) 2 x sata 3gb/s connector(s) 1 x cpu fan connector(s) 2 x chassis fan connector(s) 1 x 24-pin eatx power connector(s) 1 x 4-pin atx 12v power connector(s) 1 x front panel audio connector(s) (aafp) 1 x internal speaker connector(s) 1 x system panel(s) 1 x chassis intrusion connector(s) 1 x clear cmos jumper(s) bios 128 mb flash rom, ami bios, pnp, dmi20 boost asus quiet thermal solution: - asus fan xpert 2 asus ez diy: - asus crashfree bios 3 - asus ez flash 2 - asus mylogo 2 asus q-design: - asus q-slot - asus q-dimm 100% all high-quality conductive polymer capacitors puertos i/o traseros 1 x ps/2 keyboard (purple) 1 x ps/2 mouse (green) 1 x dvi-d 1 x d-sub 1 x displayport 1 x hdmi 1 x lan (rj45) port(s) 2 x usb 3

  • Video integrated graphics audio integrated audio network lan: base-t: expansion slots one pci-e (gen 2) x16 socket one m9 ghz quad core 35 w intel hd graphics (gt2) intel core i (haswell) 31 in) chipset intel h81 processor upgrade information tdp: up to 54 w socket type: lga motherboard supports the following processor upgrades: processor tdp integrated graphics intel core it (haswell) 17 ghz dual core 54 w intel hd graphics memory upgrade information dual channel memory architecture two ddr3 dimm (240-pin) sockets supports the following: pc (ddr) pc (ddr) supports 1 gb, 2 gb, 4 gb and 8 gb dimms supports up to 4 gb on 32-bit systems note: 32-bit systems cannot address a full 4ojo se vende asi como esta en la publicacion, no se quitan piezas (no insista)no se realizan envĂ­os por ningĂşn motivo2 socket 3, key m pregunte disponibilidad y precio antes de ofertar transferencias a banesco, venezuela, provincialentregas personales en una zona segura en caracas a convenir oferte solo si esta seguro de hacerlo, ya que tendrá 3 dĂ­as para concretar de lo contrario sera calificado negativoen venta excelente tarjeta madre totalmente nueva con procesador intel core i en 150 trump se puede anexar con un costo adicional memoria ddr3 de 2gb especificaciones de la tarjeta madre: form factor uatx dimensions: 19supports up to 16 gb (unbuffered) on 64-bit computers note: maximum memory shown reflects the capability of the hardware and can be limited further in the operating system

  • Graphic integrated graphics processor  multi-vga output support: dvi/rgb ports  - supports dvi with max16gb, ddr3 1333/1066 mhz non-ecc, un-buffered memory dual channel memory architecture * due to os limitation, when installing total memory of 4gb capacity or more, windows® 32-bit operation system may only recognize less than 3gb0 port(s) (6 at back panel, black, 4 at mid-board) special features gpu boost  asus exclusive features : - anti-surge - asus uefi bios ez mode featuring friendly graphics user interface  asus quiet thermal solution : - asus q-fan 2  asus ez diy: - asus mylogo 2 back i/o ports 1 x ps/2 keyboard/mouse combo port(s) 1 x dvi-d 1 x d-sub 1 x lan (rj45) port(s) 6 x usb 2tarjeta madre asus h61-mx para procesador 1155 intel precio real: 100$ precio real: 100$ precio real: 100$ cpu intel® socket 1155 for 2nd generation processors  supports intel® 32 nm cpu * refer to www0 port(s) 4 x sata 3gb/s connector(s) 1 x cpu fan connector(s)  1 x chassis fan connector(s)  1 x s/pdif out header(s) 1 x 24-pin eatx power connector(s) 1 x 4-pin atx 12v power connector(s) 1 x front panel connector(s)  1 x front panel audio connector(s) (aafp) 1 x internal speaker connector(s) se realizan envĂ­os por: zoom, domesa, serex, mrw, tealca0 x16  1 x pcie 2resolution 1920 x 1200 @ 60 hz - supports rgb with maxtrabajamos bancos mercantil venezuela realice todas sus preguntas antes de ofertar si oferta y no concretar antes de las 24 horas la venta sera canceladaresolution 2048 x 1536 @ 75 hz expansion slots 1 x pcie 20 x1  1 x pcie 2entregas personales en cbo zona centricaestamos a la orden0 connector(s) support(s) additional 4 usb 20 x4 storage intel® h61(b3) chipset:  4 x sata 3gb/s port(s), blue lan realtek® 8111e, 1 x gigabit lan controller(s) audio via vt1708s 8-channel high definition audio codec  - supports: multi-streaming usb ports built-in controller:  10 x usb 20  3 x audio jack(s) internal i/o ports 2 x usb 2install a 64-bit windows® os when you want to install 4gb or more memory on the motherboardcom for cpu support list chipset intel® h61(b3) memory 2 x dimm, max

    Ciudad BolĂ­var (Bolivar)

  • ) mhz non-ecc, un-buffered memory dual channel memory architecture supports intel® extreme memory profile (xmp) gráficos integrated graphics processor- intel® hd graphics support multi-vga output support: hdmi/dvi-d/displayport ports maximum shared memory of mb supports up to 3 displays simultaneously dp 12 monitor daisy chain up to 3 displays soporte multi gpu supports nvidia® 2-way sli™ technology supports amd 3-way crossfirex™ technology almacenamiento 2 x m2 socket 3, 6 x sata 6gb/s port(s), gray support raid lan intel® i219v, 1 x gigabit lan controller(s) usadas 130 norteñoscpu intel® socket for 7th/6th generation core™ i7/core™ i5/core™ i3/pentium®/celeron® processors chipset intel® z270 memoria 4 x dimm, max64gb, ddr4 hasta (o2 multi-stream transport compliant, supports dp 1

  • Gráficos integrated graphics processor multi-vga output support: hdmi/displayport ports - supports hdmi with max)/ mhz non-ecc, un-buffered memory dual channel memory architecture supports intel® extreme memory profile (xmp) * hyper dimm support is subject to the physical characteristics of individual cpusresolution x hz supports intel® hd graphics, intru™ 3d, quick sync video, clear video hd technology, insider™ soporte multi gpu supports nvidia® sli™ technology supports amd 3-way crossfirex™ technology supports amd crossfirex™ technology supports lucidlogix® virtu™ mvp technology *1 slots de expansiĂłn 3 x pcie x16 (x16 or dual x8 or x8/x4/x4) *2 1 x pcie 2com or user manual for the memory qvl (qualified vendors lists)resolution x hz - supports displayport with max0 x1 1 x mini-pcie 2maximus v formula republic of gamers ojo: precio negociable en "dl" con refrigeraciĂłn hĂ­brida y un potencial gráfico superior socket lga compatible con la 3ÂŞ y 2ÂŞ gende procesadores intel® core™ i7/core™ i5/core™ i3/pentium® / celeron® intel® z77 express chipset fusion thermo – estĂ©tica mejorada, temperatura más frĂ­a y relojes más rápidos gamefirst ii / intel gb lan – tus juegos por delante de lo demás mpcie combo + dual-band wi-fi / bluetooth 40 fusion thermo - sharper looks, cooler temps, faster clocks windows ready – assured compatibility soporte de memoria 4 x dimm, max

  • ) mhz non-ecc, un-buffered memory dual channel memory architecture supports intel® extreme memory profile (xmp) gráficos integrated graphics processor- intel® hd graphics support multi-vga output support: hdmi/dvi-d/displayport ports maximum shared memory of 1024 mb supports up to 3 displays simultaneously dp 12 monitor daisy chain up to 3 displays soporte multi gpu supports nvidia® 2-way sli™ technology supports amd 3-way crossfirex™ technology almacenamiento 2 x m2 socket 3, 6 x sata 6gb/s port(s), gray support raid 0, 1, 5, 10 lan intel® i219v, 1 x gigabit lan controller(s) usadas 130 norteñoscpu intel® socket 1151 for 7th/6th generation core™ i7/core™ i5/core™ i3/pentium®/celeron® processors chipset intel® z270 memoria 4 x dimm, max64gb, ddr4 hasta 3866(o2 multi-stream transport compliant, supports dp 1

    Caracas (Distrito Capital)

  • 1 supported technologies2 sli, cuda, 3d vision, physx sli options3 2-way 3-way display support multi monitor yes maximum digital resolution x maximum vga resolution x standard display connectors dual link dvi hdtv hdmi yes standard graphics card dimensions length 10limpieza extrema lista para montar y jugar lo que deseas gpu engine specs cuda cores graphics clock (mhz) 576mhz processor clock (mhz) mhz texture fill rate (billion/sec) 365 inches (267 mm) height inches (111 mm) width dual-slot thermal and power specs maximum gpu temperature (in c) 105 c maximum graphics card power (w) 182 w minimum system power requirement (w) 500 w supplementary power connectors 6-pin x2 legacy specs audio input for hdmi spdif garantĂ­a: 30 diasla tarjeta video esta 100% operativa con pasta termica original cooler master buena nueva recien cambiada puesta para la venta y  al igual que los thermal pad nuevos9 memory specs memory clock 999mhz standard memory config 896mb memory interface width 448-bit memory bandwidth (gb/sec) feature support opengl 2

  • 1 supported technologies2 sli, cuda, 3d vision, physx sli options3 2-way 3-way display support multi monitor yes maximum digital resolution x maximum vga resolution x standard display connectors dual link dvi hdtv hdmi yes standard graphics card dimensions length 10limpieza extrema lista para montar y jugar lo que deseas acepto cambios por telefonos de igual valor acepto cambios por telefonos de igual valor acepto cambios por telefonos de igual valor gpu engine specs cuda cores graphics clock (mhz) 576mhz processor clock (mhz) mhz texture fill rate (billion/sec) 365 inches (267 mm) height inches (111 mm) width dual-slot thermal and power specs maximum gpu temperature (in c) 105 c maximum graphics card power (w) 182 w minimum system power requirement (w) 500 w supplementary power connectors 6-pin x2 legacy specs audio input for hdmi spdif garantĂ­a: 30 diasla tarjeta video esta 100% operativa con pasta termica original cooler master buena nueva recien cambiada puesta para la venta y  al igual que los thermal pad nuevos9 memory specs memory clock 999mhz standard memory config 896mb memory interface width 448-bit memory bandwidth (gb/sec) feature support opengl 2

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